Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just an update...

Just figured i'd update since its been awhile...
first off...
(that never gets old)
Okay, now on to some new stuff.

November 19th- POWDERPUFF! We're teaming up with 2010 and we're going to fryyy. First meeting was today, and if you missed it, just ask any Junior class officer and I'm sure we can get you on the list. Tryouts will probably be sometime in the next week or two, so pay attention to the announcements, and we'll try to call everyone to let you know whats going on. Here's a picture of the shirts we're getting this year...Hope you like em!

December 7th- PUTTING ON THE HITS!! Still a work in progress...we've started to plan out some acts to put in our show, but it's still in the early stages. PLEASE tell any of the officers if you have any idea, we can use all the help we can get. Last year our skit was awesome and hopefully we'll be able to make one even better this year!! Also let us know if you want to participate in the show, either just to help choreograph or to be in the act.

Thanks guys!